What if this past year is the catalyst we needed to think differently?
The year 2020 enabled each of us to innovate on our approaches to high-quality, equitable, development of teacher candidates. The 2021 US PREP Convening will feature innovations from coalition provider institutions and their district partners.
10:00am - 10:10am: Welcome to US PREP June 2021 Convening
Welcome to the 2021 June Convening. Please Join Our Meeting Below.
*The Zoom Main Room will remain open throughout the day for technical assistance.
10:10am - 10:20am: Regional Group Team Time
Participants will be placed in small groups with others from their region. During this time, participants will work together to identify the sessions they will be attending during the symposium. Participants will reconvene in regional groups at the conclusion of the symposium to share key learning.
10:20am - 11:00am: Break-Out Session 1
Texas A&M - Commerce
Measuring Teacher Candidates’ Progress on the Student Achievement Chart
In this session, we will discuss strategies to utilize the Student Achievement Chart (SAC) as a scaffold for data analysis, vertical alignment and differentiation and review a rubric developed to measure teacher candidate growth on the SAC.
Touro - NYC
Actualizing the Vision: Leading and Learning from Praxis and Serving with Compassion
Join us as we share how Touro College New York has worked with its district partner, NYC DOE, to prepare candidates who are highly effective, self-reflective, and equipped to provide equitable experiences to all of their students.
University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff
Part of the Pride: The Teacher Work Sample
Join our session to understand how the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff developed a performance-based assessment tool for teacher candidates to demonstrate their ability to plan, deliver, and assess standards-based learning.
McNeese State University
Purposeful Professional Development
The McNeese State University leadership team will discuss the structure for professional development opportunities for faculty involvement.
Lehman College
Promoting Teacher Candidates’ Proficiency in Teaching for DEI: Revising and Validating Locally Developed Assessments
The purpose of the presentation is to share our experiences in 1) developing and assessing Teacher Candidates’ (TCs) proficiency in teaching for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 2) revising and validating the locally developed Student Teacher Evaluation Form (STEF), 3) triangulating the results of TCs’ performance on items of DEI with the New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) Teacher Development Facilitator (TDF) form, and 4) identifying areas for continuous improvements in promoting DEI among TCs by using the US PREP DEI Guide.
Tarleton State University
Honoring Diverse Voices
In this session, Tarleton State will share how they collected feedback and put it to use in decision-making throughout the yearlong residency pilot. As they reflect on year one of residency implementation, they realized the transformation would not have been possible without continuous feedback from diverse voices across the program.
University of Texas - El Paso
Creating a High-Quality, Accelerated Teacher Preparation Model: UTEP’s Post-bac Residency Apprenticeship
In this session, UTEP will provide an overview of their post-baccalaureate certification pathway, which was re-designed with US PREP technical support to include clinical, practice-based coursework and a yearlong, paid residency apprenticeship in partner school districts -- all toward the goal of highest-quality teacher preparation for candidates seeking an alternative route to certification.
11:05am - 11:50am: Break-Out Session 2
University of Texas - San Antonio
Fostering Culturally Efficacious Mentoring Practices
This session will discuss and present ways with which to cultivate culturally efficacious models of mentoring practices through collaborative professional learning sessions.
University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff
Prepping for State Exam - Case Study
This session will provide a case study for how UAPB is providing early interventions to support teacher candidates with successful completion of the required state exams.
Portland State University
Reducing Referrals of Students of Color to Special Education: An Ongoing Collaborative Effort
This session will describe the process through which Portland Public Schools and Portland State University faculty are working together to align preservice, induction, and in-service content regarding effective teaching practices and pre-referral procedures in order to reduce the over-referral of students of color to special education.
University of Texas - Permian Basin
Teacher Residents, Site Coordinators, Co-Teaching, and AVID Strategies(r), Oh My!
Our multifaceted presentation is intended to provide you with the nuts and bolts of the program that, when effectively connected, help to execute a successful residency year within the framework of a gradual release system. You will walk away with e resources we developed to ensure a successful residency pilot year.
Sam Houston State University
Strategically Using Full-Time Faculty as Site Coordinators to Strengthen the Educator Preparation Program
This session focuses on the strategic use of faculty from across all areas and disciplines of the teacher preparation program in the yearlong clinical experience to make data-driven, purposeful changes to curriculum to further bridge theory to practice.
Tarleton State University
“I Will NEVER Not Have a Teacher Resident in My Classroom!”
Join this session to learn how Tarleton State and Granbury ISD deepened their partnership and piloted a residency teacher preparation program. Cooperating teachers say they will never go back to the old way of clinical teaching in which preservice teachers ease into their clinical teaching semester, teach a few weeks, then ease back out. Co-teaching has been a key factor in increasing student achievement, differentiating instruction for all learners, and ensuring engaging lessons for students coming back to school after months of virtual learning due to COVID-19.
University of Texas - El Paso
Working toward Equity by Attending to Emergent Bilingual Learners in Teacher Preparation
Uncovering teacher candidates’’ understanding of language assessment and instruction with emergent bilingual learners (i.e. students coded as English Language Learners) supports equity. UTEP will provide an overview of their early efforts to better attend to emergent bilingual learners in teacher preparation, including the goal of developing teacher preparation curricular modules focused on improving instruction with linguistically diverse PK-12 students.
Brooklyn College
Secondary Student Teaching Reimagined
Participants will learn about the innovative methods Brooklyn College Secondary Education has taken to enhance coursework and move towards a high-quality year-long residency clinical experience for their Teacher Candidates.
11:50am - 12:50pm: Lunch
12:50pm - 1:35pm: Break-Out Session 3
Tarleton State University
Data Informed, Relevant, Field Based Assessments: “Instead of Making my Assignments: “Instead of Making my Assignments Fit the Field, We Make the Field Fit the Assignments!”
In this session, Tarleton State will share their approach to using teacher candidate performance assessment data to inform and shape coursework instruction and assessments. Teacher residents are grateful for field-based assessments that are catered to their instructional ‘areas for growth’. Teacher Resident, Ms. Taylor Thompson, will present alongside Site Coordinator, Dr. Crystal Rose, and Department Head, Dr. Amber Lynn Diaz, about how they used data in the field to impact coursework instruction and assignments.
University of Houston - Downtown
Collaborative Practices to Increase Equity and Access in Teacher Education
Increasing equity and access in our educator preparation programs is critical now more than ever. During this session, University of Houston- Downtown will share strategies used with the Call Me MISTER program to increase access to a more diverse teaching corps.
San Diego State University
Cross Department Collaboration to Create a Competency Rubric used to Prepare Teacher Candidates to Equitably Educate All Students
San Diego State University will describe the process and product of a three-department (general, dual language, & special ed) collaboration with district partner participation (60+ contributors) used to create a Teacher Candidate Competency Rubric focused on the CA Teacher Performance Expectations and Culturally Responsive Practices.
Texas State University
From Classroom Management to Relationships and Restorative Justice: A Paradigm Shift That’s Been a Long Time Coming
This session explores the process and outcomes of transforming a classroom management course from a paradigm focused on behavior management to that of one rooted in relationships and community.
University of Texas - El Paso
Using Data to Shape Teacher Preparation Curricula through a Faculty Community of Practice
In this session, UTEP will provide an overview of their Teacher Preparation Community of Practice, where faculty come together on a monthly basis to look at teacher candidate performance data and to discuss the implications of data for our undergraduate and post-baccalaureate teacher preparation curricula – all toward the goal of providing the highest-quality preparation to teacher candidates across pathways.
Touro University - California
Promoting DEI to Serve, Lead, and Teach with Integrity
As a Jewish-sponsored institution committed to a foundation of equity, diversity, and inclusion, Touro California’s Graduate School of Education engaged in critical reflection to explore the impact of its mission on faculty and their work. Facilitators will share their insights during this session.
California State University - San Marcos
Self-Study of Teacher Educator Practices
This session will discuss the findings from California State University - San Marcos' self-study of teacher educator practices and teacher candidates' applied knowledge and skills in clinical practice. The session will include insights from the perspectives of mentor teachers, supervisors, and faculty.
University of Houston
Building Capacity for Equity-Focused Student-Centered Coaching in Teacher Education: Exploring the Usefulness of Mursion Simulation Experiences
The Innovation Pilot research team from the University of Houston will share early stages in their design process for the equity-focused coaching workshop that will be implemented and studied beginning July 2021.
1:35pm - 1:45pm: Break
Rejoin the Main Room
1:45pm - 2:45pm: Regional Group Team Time
Participants will be placed in small groups with others from their region to debrief key learning and develop 1-2 action steps they can take to implement their new learning.
2:45pm - 3:00pm: Closure
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