Innovation Focus: These colleges work within the New York City Department of Education to place and supervise teacher candidates, and all three colleges place candidates in the same district. As a New York Coalition, the intervention aims to establish a governing board to address shared values, clear protocols, and ongoing partnerships. As a partnership, they will address:
Innovation Focus: Roughly one-third of PK-12 students in the region are coded as English Language Learners, also known as emergent bilinguals (EBs), and they contend with persistent inequities tied in part to deficit notions surrounding their academic performance and achievement. UTEP’s intervention seeks to address these inequities through an intervention focused on the development of teacher candidates’ knowledge, skills, and practices in language development, and specifically in using formative and summative language assessment data to make informed decisions about instruction with emergent bilinguals. The ultimate goal of this intervention is to positively impact the academic outcomes of emergent bilingual students in the El Paso region (and beyond).
Innovation Focus: University of Texas-San Antonio (UTSA) will develop Culturally Efficacious Mentor Modules, which will guide mentor teachers through a reflective process. The goal is to create a cadre of mentor teachers who model, coach, and guide clinical teachers through the implementation of culturally efficacious pedagogical practices.
This work will:
Innovation Focus: University of Houston’s intervention aims to build capacity in pre-service and in-service teachers around equity-focused practices (i.e. coaching, building the classroom environment).
This work will:
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