Teacher Educator Spotlight Series: Online Teaching and Learning in the time of COVID

    Teacher Educator Spotlight Series

    November 2020

    Teacher Educator Spotlight: Online Teaching and Learning in the time of COVID

    In this time of uncertainty, teacher educators are faced with many unknowns and have had to quickly shift their coursework to online and hybrid formats. This has been a particular challenge for teacher educators who are working with teacher candidates in courses that require experiences in the field. Dr. Justin Burris, a clinical assistant professor in the College of Education at the University of Houston, identified a need within his course to provide teacher candidates an opportunity to practice teaching in online formats. Dr. Burris shifted one of the final assignments in his course to allow teacher candidates to get support and experience teaching in online spaces. More importantly, he created a clear focus on using inquiry-based instruction within online formats, as well as providing high-quality academic feedback to K12 students throughout the experience.

    To read the complete interview with Dr. Burris and his thoughts on Online Teaching in the time of the Corona Virus, click here

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