Strengthening Virtual Teaching Practices

    Virtual Teaching Practices

    April 2020

    US PREP Convenes Coalition Members to Strengthen Virtual Teaching Practices

    US PREP National Center hosted the webinar, "Meaningful Clinical Teaching Assignments Using Virtual Formats" on Friday, April 3 with representatives from universities around the country to discuss ways teacher candidates are maintaining their commitment to providing outstanding instruction while we necessitate enhanced virtual learning environments for both future educators and students. Speakers from the University of Michigan, University of Houston, and Texas Tech University shared methods they employ to take their instruction online.
    Dr. Meghan Shaughnessy, a lead research specialist at TeachingWorks and a teacher educator at the University of Michigan School of Education outlined 
    teacher education pedagogies that can be used to support teacher educators in thinking about practice-based teaching. The presentation focused on six pedagogies, including video and simulated student interactions, that Dr. Shaughnessy identified as adaptable to online formats.

    Tech Teach Site Coordinator Jody Dennis shared how teacher candidates are assigned interventions designed to develop around one of five areas of refinement. "They're doing the heavy lifting and they're being responsible for doing the learning," Dennis said. Each intervention includes watching examples of practice, writing instructional scripts, and rehearsing with peers via zoom in order to promote growth in instructional performance. Following the practice session, Dennis facilitates a post-conference with the teacher candidates to provide them with feedback. 
    Dr. Delia Carrizales, assistant professor in Texas Tech's Tech Teach program, modeled the method of instruction used in the online course, "Content Area Instruction in Spanish for Dual Language Classrooms." Dr. Carrizales’ assignment required candidates to create a vocabulary lesson using PowerPoint voice-over videos. One participant noted, "It also becomes a resource for teachers across the country who are struggling right now to find lessons in Spanish, and vocabulary lessons in Spanish".

    Together, the US PREP coalition members continue to
     build out resources to support teacher educators in delivering high-quality practice-based teaching using virtual formats.

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