SREB Webinar

    SREB Webinar

    September 2019

    SREB Webinar

    Tuesday, September 24th
    2:00 - 2:45 pm Eastern

    Join us Tuesday, September 24 from 2:00-2:45 pm EST as US PREP Coalition Member, Southeastern Louisiana University, is featured in a webinar hosted by the Southern Regional Educational Board (SREB). The webinar will feature panelists highlighting their insights about how outcome data and formative evidence collected during clinical experiences can improve teacher preparation. 

    Hear from the following featured speakers:

    • Matthew Smith, Research Associate, SREB
    • Penney McRoy, Director, Educator Preparation Division, Georgia Professional Standards Commission
    • Paula Calderon, Dean, Southeastern Louisiana University
    • Jordan Ahrend, Transition Coordinator/Field Experience, Southeastern Louisiana University

    Register for the Webinar
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