Providers who join US PREP make a 4-year commitment to pilot and scale the transformation commitments, ensuring all candidates are trained through the transformed model.
In Year One, the Center will work with the teacher preparation program leaders to create and implement an annual Individualized Transformation Plan (ITP) to include:
The ITP will also outline the support that US PREP staff will give to help the member institution achieve the actions and goals on the designated timelines. The implementation plan will be highly supported, monitored quarterly and evaluated, through a Program Development Framework Review, at the end of the year to ensure that appropriate progress is achieved. Teacher preparation leaders’ commitment and measurable progress will be required for continued membership. Based on the goals, actions, and timelines designated in the ITP, the US PREP Center will allocate a team of US PREP Transformation Specialists and Clinical Coaches to assist the member institution with piloting and scaling the transformation initiatives.
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