Clinical Convening Agenda Houston June 2022

    Clinical Convening Agenda

    -Houston, TX-

    Marriott Marquis Houston, Houston, TX

    June 21-24, 2022 



    Day 1: Tuesday, June 21th, 2022
    8:30-4:30 CDT

    8:00 - 8:30 - Houston Salon I-III


    8:30 - 9:00 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Convening welcome & purpose
    • Setting the stage

    9:00 - 9:20 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Stories from the field

    9:20 - 9:30 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Choice session framing

    9:30 - 10:00 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Break
    • Returning Site Coordinators - select two choice sessions from the table and session descriptions below; morning sessions will be repeated in the afternoon

    10:00 - 11:35 - Houston Salon I-III (New site Coordinators)
    • Foundational Session

    Breakout Sessions (Returning Site Coordinators) *See Day 1 Choice Sessions table below for session locations
    • Choice Session #1 

    11:45 - 12:45 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Lunch

    12:45 - 2:20 - Houston Salon I-III (New site Coordinators)
    • Foundational Session
    Breakout Sessions (Returning Site Coordinators)  *See Day 1 Choice Sessions table below for session locations
    • Choice Sessions #2

    2:20 - 2:45 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Break and snacks

    2:45 - 2:55 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Framing for processing and planning time

    2:55 - 4:00 - Breakout Rooms *See Day 1 Processing Planning Time table below
    • Processing and planning time
    • Closure & feedback

    Day 1: Choice Sessions 1 & 2

    Student Perception Survey - Brazoria

    Student perception survey data enables teachers to learn about patterns in their teaching that influence student learning, and their students’ social and emotional abilities. Through the administration of the survey, students are given a forum in which they can be “heard”. This opportunity for students to voice their perceptions may additionally promote both reflection and responsibility on their part. Relatedly, teachers are able to utilize student perception data for the development and application of specific strategies, aimed at directly and intentionally improving student perceptions, and, also leading to improved student academic achievement. Participants will take a deep dive into the student perception survey and learn how to implement the SPS assignment in the residency seminar.

    Utilizing the Student Achievement Chart - Galveston
    Site Coordinators provide coaching in planning, instruction and next steps by utilizing data to ensure that all PK-12 students’ needs are met. One tool that Site Coordinators use to coach Teacher Candidates to look at and use data in meaningful ways is the Student Achievement Chart. This session will provide an overview and specific coaching moves that will coach and support Teacher Candidates to utilize the Student Achievement Chart to guide their planning and instruction in the pre-conference, post conference and during the Student Teaching seminar.

    Enhancing & Maximizing Mentor Teacher Trainings - Liberty
    Carefully selected and trained Mentor Teachers play a critical role in Teacher Candidate growth and success during their yearlong residency experience and beyond. Learn how Site Coordinators leverage K-12 partnerships, use feedback from mentors and residents, as well as, walkthrough and POP cycle data to enhance and maximize mentor teacher training. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and strategize how best to build capacity in their own Mentor Teachers in consideration of their resident needs and program structures.

    Elevating Walkthroughs - Fort Bend
    As instructional coaches, Site Coordinators provide hands-on support and feedback to facilitate the optimal growth and development of Teacher Candidates in becoming highly effective teachers. The "Walkthrough" provides a formative opportunity for Site Coordinators to have immediate impact on Teacher Candidates' practice. This session will be grounded in coaching principles that guide the use of specific coaching moves and strategies designed to elevate the walkthrough and inform refinement of Teacher Candidates' practice. Participants will have opportunities to apply coaching principles by collaboratively analyzing coaching vignettes and explore resources that can be utilized in connecting reinforcement and refinement areas to actionable next steps.

    Leading Leaders - Harris
    The role of a Site Coordinator as a leader is critical in the transformation process. Developing new Site Coordinators' skills and building a distributive leadership system takes time, patience, and thoughtfulness. This session will offer insight into the journey of one program moving from a single Site Coordinator to multiple Site Coordinators. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss strategies to empower new Site Coordinators to become leaders.

    Day 1: Processing & Planning Time Locations

    Day 2: Wednesday, June 22th, 2022
    8:30-3:30 CDT

    8:00 - 8:30 - Houston Salon I-III


    8:30 - 8:40 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Welcome, highlights, & announcements

    8:40 - 9:10 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Overview of POP Cycle and POP Pilot

    9:10 - 9:30 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Scavenger Hunt

    9:30 - 9:40 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Scavenger Hunt

    9:40 - 10:55
    - Houston Salon I-III (Returning Site Coordinators)
    • High leverage practices in pre-conferencing
    - Fort Bend (New site Coordinators)
    • Exploring new pre-conference resources
    • Building our pre-conferencing toolkits

    10:55- 11:00 - Transition to Breakout Sessions

    11:00 - 11:30
    - Houston Salon I-III (Returning Site Coordinators)
    • Planning and rehearsing a pre-conference
    - Fort Bend (New site Coordinators)
    • Planning and rehearsing a pre-conference

    11:30 - 12:30 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Lunch

    12:30 - 1:00
    - Houston Salon I-III (Returning Site Coordinators)
    • Planning and rehearsing a pre-conference
    - Fort Bend (New site Coordinators)
    • Planning and rehearsing a pre-conference

    1:00 - 2:10
    - Houston Salon I-III (Returning Site Coordinators)
    • Observation
    • Closure & feedback
    - Fort Bend (New site Coordinators)
    • Observation
    • Closure & feedback

    2:10 - 2:25 - Break and Transition to Breakout Sessions

    2:25 - 3:30 - Breakout Rooms  *See Day 2 Processing Planning Time table below
    • Processing and planning time
    • Break as needed

    3:30 - 4:30 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Social reception (optional)

    Day 2: Processing & Planning Time Locations

    Day 3: Thursday, June 23th, 2022
    9:00-3:00 CDT

    8:30 - 9:00 - Houston Salon I-III


    9:00 - 9:10 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Welcome, highlights, & announcements

    9:10 - 10:30 - Houston Salon I-III
    • High leverage practices in post-conferencing

    10:30 - 10:40 - Transition to Breakout Sessions
    10:40 - 12:00
    - Houston Salon I-III (Elementary)
    • Planning and rehearsing a post-conference 
    - Fort Bend (Secondary)
    • Planning and rehearsing a post-conference 
    12:00 - 1:00 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Lunch
    1:00 - 2:00
    - Montgomery - New Site Coordinators
    • Nuts and bolts
    • Closure & feedback
    - Houston Salon I-III - Returning Site Coordinators
    • Supervision practices & challenges
    • Closure & feedback

    2:00 - 2:10 - Transition to Breakout Sessions

    2:10 - 3:00 - Breakout Rooms  *See Day 3 Processing Planning Time table below
    • Processing and planning time

    Day 3: Processing & Planning Time Locations

    Day 4: Friday, June 24th, 2022
    8:30-12:00 CDT

    8:00 - 8:30 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Breakfast

    8:30 - 8:40 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Welcome, highlights, & announcements

    8:50 - 9:50 - Breakout Rooms  *See Day 4 Processing Planning Time table below
    • Choice Session #3

    10:00 - 11:00 - Breakout Rooms  *See Day 4 Processing Planning Time table below
    • Choice Session #4

    11:10 - 11:40 - Breakout Rooms  *See University Team Action Planning Table below for locations 
    • Choice Session #4

    11:40 - 12:00 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Convening closing & feedback

    12:00 - 1:00 - Houston Salon I-III
    • Boxed Lunch

    Day 4: Choice Sessions 3 & 4

    Practice- Based and Data- Informed Seminar - Brazoria

    Seminar provides Teacher Candidates with an opportunity to gain strategies to support the students that sit before them. In Seminar, Teacher Candidates reflect, discuss, and get feedback on high leverage practices that build research-based pedagogy by connecting coursework to the clinical experience. Participants will develop strategies to design thoughtful Seminar sessions that prepare candidates to meet the needs of diverse learning communities.

    Taking Governance to the Next Level: Planning & Implementing Learning Walks - Galveston
    Learn how Site Coordinators promote awareness of and engage in conversations about the co-teaching approaches of their Mentor Teacher/Resident pairs by leveraging Learning Walks as a component of ongoing Governance meetings. What considerations are made in planning Learning Walks? How are these structured? What resources are incorporated? What next steps are generated with this practice? Join us to hear about lessons learned, view artifacts and data collected from these proceedings, and ask questions to integrate Learning Walks in your own setting.

    Maintaining Relationships with School District Partners - Liberty

    The first steps to ensure a successful district partnership relationship are establishing roles and mutual commitment to the process. Building on those roles and commitment takes concerted effort on both sides. From the perspective of a Site Coordinator, with input from a district liaison, we will discuss how we have cultivated a mutually beneficial partnership over the past 4 years. The session will specifically address how we have defined roles and maintained successful communication to leverage our assets and expand program capacity.

    Teacher Candidate Support and Documentation - Fort Bend
    Teacher Candidate support is essential in developing high quality teachers. This session will explore methods for facilitating regular and intentional communication, observations, monitoring and feedback from the Site Coordinator and the Mentor Teacher that will ensure continuous improvement for all. Participants will collaboratively investigate intentional strategies for communicating clear goals and expectations regularly as our teacher candidates connect course work to their clinical experience. Additionally, participants will consider how monitoring performance gates regularly provides the documentation needed for improvement.

    Data Usage and Data Discussions - Montgomery
    As a Site Coordinator, data usage and data discussions are at the heart of many components of the yearlong residency. In Governance meetings, Seminar, Cooperating Teacher meetings, and more, data plays an integral role in the transformation process and in creating high quality educators and partnerships. Participants will have an opportunity to identify data sources, consider their relevance to stakeholders, and see possible action-related outcomes that can be used to guide data discussions throughout the year.

    Co-Teaching - Harris

    Co-teaching is a proven method for meeting the needs of diverse learners, improving classroom management, and developing greater reflective practice. During this session, participants will learn about the many benefits of co-teaching, including research that supports this pedagogical model. Six co-teaching approaches will be discussed, and a progression timeline for implementing co-teaching practices will be shared. Additionally, participants will have an opportunity for application via interactive co-teaching activities during this hands-on session. 

    Day 4: University Team Action Planning Locations

    Marriott Marquis Hotel Maps

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